History of the manufacturer  

Jones, David & Co. (DJ); Sydney

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Name: Jones, David & Co. (DJ); Sydney    (AUS)  
Abbreviation: jones
Products: Model types

David Jones & Co.
Corner of George and Barrack Streets, Sydney

Mr. David Jones, a Welsh-born immigrant, opened a "large and commodious premises" on the corner of George and Barrack Streets on 24 May 1838. His mission was to sell ‘the best and most exclusive goods’.

Since then, they have grown to 35 stores, two warehouse outlets and David Jones Online - offering customers the finest brands across fashion, beauty and home. With our rich heritage, we are not only Australia’s oldest department store, but also the oldest department store in the world still trading under its original name. They opened the David Jones Radio Department at 22 York Street Sydney on November 15, 1923.

Founded: 1838

In the 20’s they sold imported and in the 30’s Australian manufactured radio sets. The radio Department was under the direction of Mr. F. Basil Cooke, F.R.A.S, who was the Principle of the Radio College in Sydney. In the 20’s he was available in the store at advertised times to give lectures and answer technical questions. He also published circuits for various crystal sets and reflex radios that the home constructor could build with parts from the store.

This manufacturer was suggested by Gary Cowans.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
AUS  29 3 Valve Radio   Available in a metal or wooden cabinet. Supplied with an external Amplion Speaker a... 
AUS  24 Comet Crystal set   63/- including headphones and aerial wire. 
AUS  24 One Valve Set UV201A  Highly Polished rosewood cabinet. Price of  £ 15/10/- includes a 6V, 42V batte... 
AUS  23 Radio Set No. 5   Advertised on the opening of the David Jones Radio Department, November 1923 
AUS  23 Phonograph Cabinet Model Receiving Set Model A   Advertised on the opening of the David Jones Radio Department, November 1923. 2-Sta... 
AUS  31 Screen Grid Floor    


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

The Sunday Times, October 12, 1934, page 4tbn_aus_david_jones_ad_1924.jpg
The opening of the David Jones radio section in November 1923 From the Sydney Morning Herald,(NSW) November 15, 1923tbn_aus_david_jones_radio_section_opening.jpg
David Jones’ Radio Hall, Official opening by Sir Ernest Fisk on 17 April 1941. Eleven Australian radio manufactures products on display. The Sun (NSW) Apr 16 1941 Page 6tbn_aus_jones_the_sun_nsw_apr_16_1941_page_6.jpg
Opening of David Jones radio Department in November 1923.The o Department was under the direction of Mr. F. Basil Cooke, F.R.A.S, who was the Principle of the Radio College in Sydney. The Sun (NSW) Nov 11 1923 Page 19.tbn_aus_jones_the_sun_nsw_nov_11_1923_page_19_opening.jpg
Wireless Weekly advert 7th October 1927tbn_david_jones_ww_71027.png


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