History of the manufacturer  

Claritron (tubes) - Superior Radio Company; Newark, NJ

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Name: Claritron (tubes) - Superior Radio Company; Newark, NJ    (USA)  
Abbreviation: claritron
Products: Tube manufacturer

Superior Radio Company
176 Shepard Ave., Newark, New Jersey

Tube brand: Claritron

This company is listed in Tyne's "Saga of the Vacuum Tube" page 353, as operating in 1924. It is also listed on pages 168 and 170 of the 1925 Radio Trades Directory at Dept A, 176 Shepard Ave.

They advertised type 501-A in December 1924, with having a new filament wire, developed by their engineers, and having a much lower power consumption than the "standard quarter ampere tube" of an average of 0.179 amp.


This manufacturer was suggested by Fin Stewart.


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Advertisement in Popular Radio Dec. 1924tbn_usa_claritron_501a.png
Advert in Radio World March 1925tbn_claritron_rw_march_1925.jpg


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