History of the manufacturer  

Clearatone (tubes), Radio Tube Laboratory; New York City, NY

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Name: Clearatone (tubes), Radio Tube Laboratory; New York City, NY    (USA)  
Abbreviation: clearatone
Products: Brand

Radio Tube Laboratory
296 Broadway, New York City

Tube brand: Clearatone

Five tubes (11, 12, 199, 200 & 201A) listed in an advertisement in Radio News magazine 28th February 1925.


This manufacturer was suggested by Fin Stewart.


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Radio News ad February 1925tbn_clearatone.png
eBay item number:253981799486tbn_usa_clearatone_c_199_1.jpg
Radio World 12th March 1925tbn_clearatone_rw12325.jpg


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