History of the manufacturer  

Yankee Tube Corp.; Newark, NJ

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Name: Yankee Tube Corp.; Newark, NJ    (USA)  
Abbreviation: yankee
Products: Tube manufacturer

Yankee Tube Corporation
185 Clinton Avenue, Newark, New Jersey (1924, 1926)
Quitman Street, Newark, New Jersey (1925)

Mentioned in Tyne's "Saga of the Vacuum Tube", p.365 with the address of 6 Church Street, New York, New York in 1925.

Pacific Coast Representative: Baldwin-Pacific & Co, San Francisco (1925)


This manufacturer was suggested by Bruce Morgenstern.


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Radio World, June 07, 1924, p.23tbn_usa_yankee_1924.jpg
Radio, 1925-01, p.55tbn_usa_yankee_1925.jpg


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