Historia del fabricantes  

Don Shinkukan Seisakusho - Don Vacuum Valve Mfg.; Tokyo

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Nombre: Don Shinkukan Seisakusho - Don Vacuum Valve Mfg.; Tokyo    (J)  
Abreviatura: don
Productos: Fabricante de válvulas

K.k. Don Shinkukan Seisakusho (Don Vacuum Valve Manufacturing)
951 Ooi-Motoshiba-Cho; Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo

This company made a series of US type tubes in the 1920's, including the UX201A.

The company made American equivalents such as the UX201A and 45.

Fundación: 1923
Founded in 1923, in the 1930's, the company divided, to become "Red Don" and "Blue Don". The company name of "Red Don" became Musen Suki Sangyo, at the same address. Blue Don's company name was Nihon Shinkukan Jitsugyo, but the address is unknown.

Este fabricante fue propuesto por Fin Stewart.

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