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History of the manufacturer  

Westport Mfg. Co.; Los Angeles, CA

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Name: Westport Mfg. Co.; Los Angeles, CA    (USA)  
Abbreviation: westport
Products: Model types Others

Westport Manufacturing Company
1477 West Adams Street, Los Angeles, California

The Westport Manufacturing Company was one of the many Los Angeles based radio companies that was not going to last long. Very little can be found about this company other than one article that tells about the beginning.

While they were in operation they produced radios and refrigerators, especially designed for export.

Founded: 1932
Production: 1932 -

Westport was founded by D. W. Smith who had previously been associated with radio manufacturing. Other menbers of the company also had radio experience including H. G. "Hal" Dunkin - a former distributor for Jackson-Bell. Carl Odell was the engineer and was formerly of the Federal Telegraph Company. Carl H. Johson, who was with Pacific Wholesale, Inc., was made the new sales manager. The company started with a five-tube superheterodyne set with a starting price of $32.95.

This manufacturer was suggested by Robin Roeckers.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  32/33 25   Model 25 by Westport Manufacturing is a five tube superheterodyne receiver. 
USA  32/33 5-Tube Superheterodyne   The first radio produced by Westport Manufacturing was this AC 5-tube super heterodyne mid... 
USA  76 CID-40   AM-FM Car Stereo Cassette Radio Model Westport CID-40 Freqency Coverage: AM 535 - 1605... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

This article from the January, 1932 edition of the Western Radio & Refrigeration Journal has an article about Westport Radio as "New Radio Manufacturer Opens Los Angeles Factory."tbn_usa_westport_article_january_1932.jpg
Here is an ad for one of the first radios produced by Westport Radio of Los Angeles, California. This ad is from the Western Radio & Refrigeration Journal's January, 1932 edition.tbn_westport_radio_ad_january_1932.jpg
Westport Manufacturing also mad refrigerators as seen in this ad from from the Western Radio & Refrigeration Journal's January, 1932 edition.tbn_westport_radio_ad_january_1932b.jpg


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