Informazioni sul produttore  

Brownlee Brothers Limited; Dublin

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Nome: Brownlee Brothers Limited; Dublin    (IRL)  
Abbreviazione: brownlee
Prodotti: Modelli

Brownlee Brothers Limited
Molesworth Street, Dublin

Produced variations of UK Pilot radios under licence from at least early 1950s and including a transistor portable in the 1960s. They also were a retailer for Thorn (Ferguson) products.

Chiusa: 1963

The company was founded by the brothers Frederick William Brownlee, born 10 May 1902 and Walter Brownlee, born 6 November 1906.

Bownlee features as supplier of Pilot in the 1937 Radio Exhibtion in Dublin, advertised 8th September 1936 in the Irish Press.

A Brownlee retail company may have been active as late as 1977, at Dolphin's Barn in Dublin.

Questo produttore è stato proposto da Michael Watterson.


Ulteriori particolari per questo produttore inviate dai soci:

Irish Press 8th September 1936, features Brownlee Bros. in relation to Pilot Radios in the forthcoming 1937 Dublin Radio Exhibition.tbn_irishpress_1937_400.jpg


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