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History of the manufacturer  

Cathodeon Electronic Ltd.; Southend-on-Sea

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Name: Cathodeon Electronic Ltd.; Southend-on-Sea    (GB)  
Abbreviation: cathodeon
Products: Tube manufacturer

Cathodeon Electronic Ltd.
Birgham Road, Southend-on-Sea, Essex

Cathodeon was a maker of television and radio tubes. By 1949 they were part of the Pye group.

There is also a Cathodeon Ltd. in Nuffield Road, Cambridge, a maker of specialty lamps (e.g. spectral source lamps) which was founded in the 1930s.


This manufacturer was suggested by Mark Hippenstiel.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
GB  64 Miniature Oven MCO 2M   A crystal oven is a temperature-controlled chamber used to maintain the quartz crystal in ... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Folder for a CRTtbn_uk_cathodeon_folder.jpg


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