History of the manufacturer  

Clarion Radio Corporation Ltd.; Sydney

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Name: Clarion Radio Corporation Ltd.; Sydney    (AUS)  
Abbreviation: clarionr
Products: Model types

Clarion Radio Corporation Ltd.
McVicar’s Building, Neild Avenue, Rushcutter Bay, Sydney

Registered on 1 September 1931 by H Fletcher to manufacture and sell Clarion Radio Receivers. The company was liquidated in March 1932.

Founded: 1931
Closed: 1932

This manufacturer was suggested by Gary Cowans.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
AUS  32 Amalco Clarion [Model 50] UY235  Advertised in The Propeller, (NSW) 26 February 1932, page 7 for Aus£27/10/-. Assumption... 
AUS  32 Amalco Clarion [Model 70] UY235  Advertised in The Propeller, (NSW) 26 February 1932, page 7 for Aus£50/- Assumption is ... 
AUS  32 Amalco Clarion [Model 40] UY224  Advertised in The Propeller, (NSW) 26 February 1932, page 7 for Aus£21/10/-. Assumption... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Article from the Sydney Morning Herald (NSW), 3 September 1931, page 11, announcing the registration of the company.tbn_aus_clarionr_registered_sma_3_9_31_p11.jpg
Liquidation notice from the Gazette of New South Wales, 19 February, 1932, page 732.tbn_aus_clarionr_liq_gg_nsw_19_2_1932_p732.jpg
Closing down Sale of Clarion Radios and parts from the Labor Daily 7 April 1932, page 2.tbn_aus_clarionr_labor_daily_7_4_32p2.jpg


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