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History of the manufacturer  

Newton, McLaren Ltd. (Night Hawk); Adelaide

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Name: Newton, McLaren Ltd. (Night Hawk); Adelaide    (AUS)  
Abbreviation: newtonm
Products: Model types

Newton, McLaren Ltd.
Industrial Chambers, King William street, Adelaide SA (1904 – 1904)
Peel street Adelaide SA (1904 – 1908)
Leigh Street, Adelaide SA (1908 - 1974)

Brand: Night Hawk

Newton, McLaren Ltd.  was developed from the Adelaide branch office of J.A. Newton & Co. which was opened in 1901 and they traded as Electrical Engineers¹.

From 1921 they started manufacturing radios² and from 1929 they also sold AWA radios³.

The company was bought out by Lawrence and Hanson Pty Ltd in 1974¹.

Founded: 1904
Closed: 1974
Production: 1923 -

David Eardley McLaren (1877-1936) worked in the Adelaide office of J.A. Newton & Co. (Vic) from 1901 to 1904.  In 1904 J.A. Newton sold out to McLaren and Newton McLaren Limited was formed and subsequently incorporated in early 1905¹.

The company installed lighting for municipal councils, in homes and business and in April 1908 opened a shop/factory in Leigh Street selling electric fans, lamps and telephones.

In 1921 they manufactured the first radio² for commercial salein South Australia which was sold to a local doctor, though broadcasting did not begin in South Australia till 2 years later.

During November 1923 they started experimenting with amateur radio transmissions. In April 1924 they were granted an experimenters transmitting license with the call sign 5CB on 250m.

By 1928 the company had developed into a large electrical retailer selling a variety of electrical household goods and industrial equipment as well as radios.

They developed a new 5 valve receiver in August 1928 and ran a competition to name the receiver with a prize of £5/5/-.  On the 23 August, 1928 the name "Night Hawk", proposed by Mr. A Wells was chosen as the winner¹⁰.

In 1929 they became distributors for AWA³ and sold both AWA and Night Hawk radios¹¹. By 1939 the company was concentrating on AWA radios and the Night Hawk was not advertised.

The company was bought out by Lawrence and Hanson Pty Ltd in 1974¹.


¹ Guide to Australian Business Records, Published by Archive Research Consultancy, 2005
² News (SA) 29 Mar 1951, Page 12
³ The Register News-Pictorial (SA) 22 Feb 1929, Page 39
Evening Journal ( SA)  30 Apr 1908,  Page 3
The Register (SA) Wed 14 Nov 1923, Page 13
Observer (SA) 19 Apr 1924, Page 2.
The Saturday Journal (SA) 2 Aug 1924, Page 14.
The Advertiser (SA) 22 Nov 1928, Page 9.
The Register (SA) 10 Aug 1928, Page 12.
¹⁰ The Register (SA) 23 Aug 1928, Page 14.
¹¹ The Advertiser (SA) 8 Sep 1928, Page 10.

This manufacturer was suggested by Gary Cowans.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
AUS  28 Night Hawk Baby 3    
AUS  28 Night Hawk 528   Advertised in 1928 for £33/10/- 
AUS  30 AC Three Unknown 227  This is a very basic two valve plus rectifier regenerative set.  It appears to use Ec... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

[2] Company History. News (SA) 29 Mar 1951, Page 12tbn_aus_newtonm_2_news_sa_29_mar_1951_page_12_1921_radio_history_of_company.jpg
[5] During November 1923 they started experimenting with amateur radio transmissions. The Register (SA) Wed 14 Nov 1923, Page 13tbn_aus_newtonm_5_the_register_sa_wed_14_nov_1923_page_13_tx_test.jpg
[6] In April 1924 they were granted an experimenters transmitting license. Observer (SA) 19 Apr 1924, Page 2.tbn_aus_newtonm_6_observer_sa_19_apr_1924_p_2_licences.5cb.jpg
[7] In April 1924 they were granted an experimenters transmitting license [6] with the call sign 5CB on 250m. The Saturday Journal (SA) 2 Aug 1924, Page 14.tbn_aus_newtonm_7_saturday_journal_sa_2_aug_1924_page_14_5cb_freq.jpg
[8] By 1928 the company had developed into a large electrical retailer selling a variety of electrical household goods and industrial equipment as well as radios. The Advertiser (SA) 22 Nov 1928, Page 9.tbn_aus_newtonm_8_the_advertiser_sa_t_22_nov_1928_page_9_newton_mclaren_selling.jpg
[9] They developed a new 5 valve receiver in August 1928 and ran a competition to name the receiver with a prize of £5/5/-. The Register (SA) 10 Aug 1928, Page 12.tbn_aus_newtonm_9_the_register_sa_i_10_aug_1928_page_12_name_new_rx.jpg
[10] They developed a new 5 valve receiver in August 1928 and ran a competition to name the receiver with a prize of £5/5/-[9]. On the 23 August, 1928 the name Night Hawk, proposed by Mr. A Wells was chosen as the winner. The Register (SA) 23 Aug 1928, Page 14.tbn_aus_newtonm_10_the_register_sa_23_aug_1928_page_14..jpg
[11] In 1929 they became distributors for AWA [3] and sold both AWA and Night Hawk radios. The Advertiser (SA) 8 Sep 1928, Page 10.tbn_aus_newtonm_11_the_advertiser_sa_8_sep_1928_page_10.jpg
[3] From 1929 they also sold AWA radios. The Register News-Pictorial (SA) 22 Feb 1929, Page 39tbn_aus_newtonm_3_the_register_news_pictorial_sa_22_feb_1929_p_39~~2.jpg
[4] in April 1908 opened a shop/factory in Leigh Street selling electric fans, lamps and telephones. Evening Journal ( SA) 30 Apr 1908, Page 3.tbn_aus_newtonm_4_evening_journal_sa_30_apr_1908_page_3_new_premises.jpg
Radio advert from May 1925. News (SA) 18 May 1925, page 5.tbn_aus_newtonm_news_sa_18_may_1925_p_5.jpg


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