Historia del fabricantes  

Little Giant (tube brand), L & G Tube Company; Providence, RI

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Nombre: Little Giant (tube brand), L & G Tube Company; Providence, RI    (USA)  
Abreviatura: littlegian
Productos: Fabricante de válvulas Brand

L & G Tube Company
Providence, Rhode Island

Tube brand: Little Giant

Box for tube type 27 located. No other information found.


Este fabricante fue propuesto por Fin Stewart.

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Otros detalles de miembros para este fabricante:

They were made in Providence by the L & G Tube Company. They have exactly the same guarantee wording as my Veribest tubes also made in Providence. Made by CeCo which was also in Providence. All hot stamped 484 and 485 in the base. Not sure of the cross reference. Radio Forum says the 484 was made specifically for Sparton radios and is similar to a 27 but with a 3v heater. The 485 has the same description.tbn_littlegiantradiotubes.jpg


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