Historia del fabricantes  

Soundmaster Equipments / Limited; Ottawa, ON

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Nombre: Soundmaster Equipments / Limited; Ottawa, ON    (CDN)  
Abreviatura: soundmaste
Productos: Modelos

Soundmaster Equipments
256 Kent St. Ottawa, Ontario (1948)

Soundmaster Limited
283 Bank St, Ottawa 4, ON (1972)
386 MacLaren St, Ottawa, ON K2P 0M8 (1974)

Amplifiers and other equipment.

Fundación: 1939

Harry Hyman (Hy) Bloom, born July 15, 1921, in Ottawa, left home as a young man and learned his craft visiting local recording studios and radio stations in New York City. He returned to his hometown to work at Orme's Music Store and, subsequently, in the military section of the National Research Council, followed by a stint in the army.

It was during this time that his experimentation gave way to production, and in 1939 he opened his own business, using space in his parents' Kent St. home.

In the early 1950s, he expanded and moved to Bank St. where he stayed for 25 years, patenting and producing reliable, handcrafted and individually made sound equipment and selling more than 30,000 amplifiers.

At around the same time, Bloom also opened a small recording studio.

The business provided sound equipment for a succession of Prime Ministers from Mackenzie King to Brian Mulroney, and for state visits of dignitaries.

Bloom passed away on July 19, 2017, at the age of 96.

Este fabricante fue propuesto por Jack Sorensen.

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Otros detalles de miembros para este fabricante:

Historical information regarding Soundmaster manufacturer, Hy Bloom, printed in the 2017 edition of the Ottawa Vintage Radio Club's newslettertbn_ovrc_memorial.jpeg


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