History of the manufacturer  

Martin-Orme Ltd. (cabinets only); Ottawa, ON

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Name: Martin-Orme Ltd. (cabinets only); Ottawa, ON    (CDN)  
Abbreviation: orme
Products: Model types Others

Martin-Orme Ltd.

It's currently unknown if Martin-Orme had their own radio production. Most likely as a former piano manufacturer, they supplied cabinets to sell with radio parts.

This entry may only be used to create model pages for cabinets.


Owain Martin formed the piano manufacturer Martin and Stanley of Petersborough, Ontario in 1902. [1]

In 1904, Matthew Orme took over Mr. Stanley's share of the partnership, the firm name was changed to Martin-Orme Ltd. and the works were moved to Ottawa. [1]

In 1924, Martin-Orme Ltd. ceased the manufacture of pianos: [2]

"We will still be doing business as Ottawa's Music Centre, selling Martin-Orme Pianos, Gerhard-Heintzman Pianos, Victrolas, His Master's Voice records, Fada Neutrodyne Radio Sets, "Music Master" Loud Speakers, Radio Parts and Accessories."

Owain Martin passed away June 20, 1923, at the age of 72.

[1] Industrial Canada, 1923
[2] The Ottawa Journal, Spetember 18, 1924, p.7

This manufacturer was suggested by Jon Cockcroft.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
CDN  22 One Tube TRF Unknown 215A  This is an example of a simple 1-tube TRF set typical of the 1920's kits an... 


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