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D-Lux Blue (tube brand)

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Nome: D-Lux Blue (tube brand)    (USA)  
Abbreviazione: d-lux-blue
Prodotti: Brand

D-Lux Blue (tube brand)

D-Lux Blue tubes were sold in a plush-lined box in matched sets of five tubes for $2.50, as advertised by Serlin & Co, 129 Michigan Ave., Detroit on Oct. 21, 1925. Two weeks later, on Nov. 11, 1925, Serlin reduced the price to $1.55 (per tube) due to their "second big purchase".

The packaging, lining and the blue colored glass bear similarity to the Brightson True Blue sets.


Questo produttore è stato proposto da Otmar Jung.


Ulteriori particolari per questo produttore inviate dai soci:

with permission of Howard Stone and StoneVintageRadio.comtbn_d_lux_blue_logo_sm.jpg
With permission of Howard Stone and StoneVintageRadio.comtbn_d_lux_blue_tubes_sm.jpg
Detroit Free Press October 21, 1925tbn_usa_d_lux_detroit_free_press_wed_oct_21_1925_2.jpg


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