History of the manufacturer  

Electro Dynamics Pty. Ltd. (Electrodyne); Melbourne, VIC

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Name: Electro Dynamics Pty. Ltd. (Electrodyne); Melbourne, VIC    (AUS)  
Abbreviation: electrod
Products: Model types

Electro Dynamics Pty. Ltd. 
52-56 Burwood Road, BURWOOD, Victoria

Brand; Electrodyne

The company manufactured “Electrodyne” brand Transceivers, Echo Sounders and Radio Direction Finders.[1]

Agents for Fairchild Semiconductors in Australia in 1962.[2]

Founded: 1961
Closed: 1962
Production: 1961 - 1962

In November 1962 they amalgamated with three companies to form Consolidated Electronics Pty. Ltd.;

The three companies were;

  • Grays Radio Products
  • The Servo Mechanism Company
  • R. Medding and Associates, Design Engineers [3]

[1] Radio & Hobbies, Feb 1962, Page 110.
[2] Radio & Hobbies, Nov 1962, Page 53.
[3] Radio & Hobbies, Jan 1963, Page 48.

This manufacturer was suggested by Gary Cowans.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
AUS  62 Electrodyne Transceiver   Sold for £166/13/4 for a pair in 1962. 1 Watt Transceiver, possibly VHF Band. 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

[1] Radio & Hobbies, Feb 1962, Page 110.tbn_aus_electrod_1_r_h_feb_1962_page_110.jpg
[2] Radio & Hobbies, Nov 1962, Page 53.tbn_aus_electrod_2_r_h_nov_1962_page_53.jpg
[3]In November 1962 they amalgamated with three companies to form Consolidated Electronics Pty. Ltd.; Radio & Hobbies, Jan 1963, Page 48.tbn_aus_electrod_3_r_h_may_1963_page_48.jpg


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