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History of the manufacturer  

Proel S.p.A.; Sant'Omero (TE)

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Name: Proel S.p.A.; Sant'Omero (TE)    (I)  
Abbreviation: proel
Products: Model types

Proel S.p.A.
Via alla Ruenia 37/43, 64027 Sant'Omero (2018)

Brands: Axoim, Dexibell, DH, Darestone, De Salvo, Grassi, Italian Stage, Kun, Pirastro, Proel, Proel Commercial Audio, Sagitter, Tamburo, Topppro, Vox Meister, Vhienna.

Azienda specializzata nella costruzione di apparecchiature musicali.

Founded: 1991

This manufacturer was suggested by Edoardo Sigismondo.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
? Passive Direct Box 4CH   controllo di attenuazione - 20 db - impedenza 600 ohm - risposta in ferquenza 30 Hz - 22 k... 
? Portable Mixer (5 channels with microphone input) Mix-502   mixer portatile senza rack e nessun effetto - regolazione dei bassi (+ - 18 db a 40 hz) e ... 


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