Informazioni sul produttore  

INDATEC - Industrias de Aplicaçoes Tecnico-Domesticas Lda.; Machava

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Nome: INDATEC - Industrias de Aplicaçoes Tecnico-Domesticas Lda.; Machava    (MOC)  
Abbreviazione: indatec
Prodotti: Modelli Altri

INDATEC - Industrias de Aplicaçoes Tecnico-Domesticas Lda.
PO Box 471, Machava

The company had a partnership with the Zuid Mozambique corporation, and together they offered a number of household appliances.

Fondata: 1965
Chiusa: 1998

During the active years of production, the factory assembled equipment under license of the original manufacturer, such as sewing machines (CETRON), fridges (CETRON) and radios (SONY).

INDATEC was a private enterprise in partnetship with Zuid Mozambique, but after 1980 the company was nationalized and incorporated into the state-owned company Electromoc E.E.

The given dates are estimates.

Questo produttore è stato proposto da Jose Mesquita.


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