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Radiofon, Einar Rustad; Kristiania (Oslo)

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Nome: Radiofon, Einar Rustad; Kristiania (Oslo)    (N)  
Abbreviazione: radiofon-r
Prodotti: Modelli Brand

Einar Rustad
20/28, Kristiania (1923)

Radiofon AS (1925)

This manufacturer is active in the mid 20s of the last century.

From 1923 the company makes radios, sells radio lamps under the Radiofon brand name and material for DIY sets. The company's advertisements appear from 1923 to 1925.

In 1946, a company called Radiofon Radiofabrikk is founded in the city of Bergen, but there seems to be no relation between the two.

Fondata: 1923
Chiusa: 1926
Produzione: 1923 - 1926

In 1925 the name is changed to Radiofon A/S.

A newspaper article announces the company's liquidation in 1926, effectuated in 1927.

Questo produttore è stato proposto da John Koster.


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Einar Rustad logo in 1923tbn_n_einar_rustad_logo.jpg


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