Informazioni sul produttore  

Gimbel Bros., Inc. (Gimbels); Milwaukee, WI

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Nome: Gimbel Bros., Inc. (Gimbels); Milwaukee, WI    (USA)  
Abbreviazione: gimbel
Prodotti: Modelli Altri Brand

Gimbel Bros., Inc
Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Gimbel Brothers (Gimbels) was an American department store company from 1887 until 1987, and once the largest department store chain in the country.

This company sold radio tubes in the late 1920s which were made by the Champion Radio Works in Danvers, Massachusetts. The unusual box styles are identical, as is the printing style.

Most radios sold by Gimbel had their own designation (e.g. ZR...) but were made by different companies. The trademark Magnet or Radio Magnet was probably owned by Gimbel.

Fondata: 1887
Chiusa: 1987

Founded in 1840-42 by Adam Gimbel, this company was first located in Vincennes, Indiana. Gimbel Bros. began operating in Milwaukee in 1887 in a large typical department store.

Gimbel also operated 3 radio stations, WIP in Philadelphia, WGBS in New York, and WCAE in Pittsburgh.

In 1962 the company merged with Schusters Department Stores and in 1986 Marshall Field's bought them out. By the time it closed in 1987, Gimbels had 35 stores in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin, and Connecticut.

The company is known for creating the Gimbels Thanksgiving Day Parade, the oldest parade in the country.

Questo produttore è stato proposto da Fin Stewart.


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