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History of the manufacturer  

Megatone (A&S Trading Co.); New York, NY

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Name: Megatone (A&S Trading Co.); New York, NY    (USA)  
Abbreviation: megatone
Products: Model types

Megatone (A&S Trading Co.)
124 W. 30th St.
New York, NY

Brand of transistor radios imported from Hong Kong and possibly other Far East locations.


This manufacturer was suggested by David Erali.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  65 Rest Room Radio 2087   Megatone Rest Room Radio; Toilet tissue dispenser radio, white color known, compare with ... 
USA  70 Solid State Travel Clock-Radio TR-105   Made in Japan by Electra Radio Corporation. 
USA  70 AM-FM 10 Transistor Solid State 900   Similar to Twen Tone Solid State 900   
USA  74 Have-A-Ball AM Radio   Solid State superhet with push pull output Model Megatone Have-A-Ball AM Radio Tunin... 


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