Informations sur le fabricant  

F. Dickin Limited; Sydney, NSW

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Nom: F. Dickin Limited; Sydney, NSW    (AUS)  
Abréviation: dickin
Produits: Autres

F. Dickin Limited
356 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW (1889 –1894)
01 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW (1884 – 1911)
22-28 Buckland Street, Sydney, NSW (1911- 1927)
7 Lord’s Road, Leichardt, NSW (1927 -1963)

A well know cabinet maker in Sydney, manufacturing roll top desks, Church furniture, alters and pulpits. They also manufactured timber cabinets for console and table radios for the Australian radio industry from 1927.

Fondé: 1889
Fermé: 1964
Documents liés à ce fabricant
  [4] Dicken Ltd. 1933 Range booklet. 420 KB

The company started as cabinet makers manufactures in Sydney in 1889. [1]
They started to manufacture radio cabinets from 1927.[2]
Industrial designer Eric L. Lowe joined the company in 1930 after leaving AWA. [3]

In 1933 the company produced a booklet with typical designs for console radio cabinets.[4]

The company was AWA’s main cabinet supplier from the 1920’s up to the 50’s with the influence of designer Eric Lowe having worked for AWA. They also supplied cabinets to other Australian manufactures.

Dickins Furniture Factory that was commissioned during WW11 to produce the rear spar for the DH-98 Mosquito Bomber [5].

The company manufactured fine furniture well into the 1960’s and was liquidated 1964. [6]

[1] Radio Trade Annual 1933, page 108.
[2] The Sun (NSW) Jun 27, 1927, Page 2.
[3] Consultation with John McIlwain, Past AWA employee.
[4] Dicken 1933 Range booklet.
[5] Australian War Memorial, Item PO3823.009.
[6]Government Gazette of the State of NSW, Apr 10, 1964, Page 1155.

Ce fabricant a été suggéré par Gary Cowans


Détails complémentaires fournis par les membres :

[1] The company started as cabinet makers manufactures in Sydney in 1889 Radio Trade Annual 1933, page 108tbn_aus_dickin_1_radio_trade_annual_1933_page_108.jpg
[2] Started to manufacture radio cabinets. The Sun (NSW) Jun 27, 1927, Page 2.tbn_aus_dickin_2_the_sun_nsw_jun_27_1927_page_2.jpg
[4] Dicken 1933 Range booklet Cover.tbn_aus_dickin_4_dicken_1933_range_booklet_cover.jpg
[5]Produced the rear spar for the DH-98 Mosquito Bomber. Australian War Memorial, Item PO3823.009.tbn_aus_dickin_5_australian_war_memorial_po3823.009.jpg
[6] The Company was liquidated 1964. Government Gazette of the State of NSW, Apr 10, 1964, Page 1155.tbn_aus_dickin_6_government_gazette_of_the_state_of_nsw_apr_10_1964_p_1155.jpg
Roll Top Desk Advert. Evening News (NSW) May 8, 1920.tbn_aus_dickin_evening_news_nsw_may_8_1920.jpg
Dickin Ltd. Factorytbn_aus_dickin_factory.jpg
Dickin Ltd Labeltbn_aus_dickin_label.jpg
Dickin ltd. Advert 1931. Wireless Weekly Jul 10, 1931, Page 44.tbn_aus_dickin_wireless_weekly_jul_10_1931_page_44.jpg
Industrial designer Eric L. Lowe joined the company in 1930 after leaving AWA.tbn_aus_dickin_lowe_business_card.jpg
Manufacturing AWA 55E Cabinets.tbn_aus_dickin_55e_cabinet_manufacture.jpg
AWA 55E Cabinet finishing.tbn_aus_dickin_55e_cabinet_finishing.jpg
1932 advert for Dicken Ltd. Cabinets. Wireless Weekly Dec 09 1932, Page 80.tbn_aus_dickin_wireless_weekly_dec_09_1932_page_80.jpg
Cathedral Series 1931. Wireless Weekly Dec 11, 1931 Page 68tbn_aus_dickin_wireless_weekly_dec_11_1931_page_68.jpg
Cabinet Sale October 1931. Wireless Weekly Oct 2 1931 page 14tbn_aus_dickin_wireless_weekly_oct_2_1931_page_14.jpg


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