Historia del fabricantes  

National Radio Tube Company; San Francisco, CA

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Nombre: National Radio Tube Company; San Francisco, CA    (USA)  
Abreviatura: national2
Productos: Fabricante de válvulas

National Radio Tube Company
1926-1928: 748 14th Street, San Francisco, California
1928-1933: 3420 18th St., San Francisco

Fundación: 1926
Cierre: 1933

The history of this company has been difficult to trace and is far from complete. One reference states that the company was in business as early as 1921 but nothing has been found. The company is listed in various Croker Langley Directories of San Francisco from 1926 to 1933, with the original address being 748 14th Street until 1928, and at the 18th Street address until 1933.

Linked to the company was amateur radio station 6EX. The "Citizens Call Book" have this station as belonging to C. Steffen of 1615 Arch street, Berkeley as early as November 1922. The 1926 Call Book shows G. W. Lewis as owner. The address was 929 Clement Street San Francisco. The Croker Langley directory for 1926 shows the company address, with G W Lewis as owner, but at the 14th Street address. This was the first address of the National Radio Tube Company. The 1927 listing shows Geo. Weiss and J. Herz as owners of the company. In an advertisement in QST magazine for January 1928, the company was at the new 18th Street address, with an A M Wilbert as owner. This has carried through until 1933.

The company originally repaired transmitting tubes (UV203, UV204, 211D, 212D and the like). Several advertisements were in QST magazines in the late 1920's, listing operations of the company. An article in the 1933 Short Wave Manual (pages 126 & 127) shows details of the 6EX "Rectobulb" and four new transmitting tubes, based on existing types of other manufacturers. It is said that the glassware on some of these tubes was somewhat inferior. The R81 (UX281) tube was also made. Despite enquiries, no catalogues or data sheets of the manufacturers tubes has so far been located.

Este fabricante fue propuesto por Fin Stewart.

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Otros detalles de miembros para este fabricante:

QST magazine February 1928tbn_national_inductron_qst_228.png
QST magazine February 1928tbn_national_qst_228.png
QST magazine March 1928tbn_national_qst_328.png
QST magazine May 1928tbn_national_qst_528.png
QST magazine June 1928tbn_national_qst_628.png
QST magazine September 1928tbn_national_qst_928.png
QST magazine October 1928tbn_national_qst_1028.png


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