History of the manufacturer  

Atchison Radio & Electric Co.; Atchison, Kansas

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Name: Atchison Radio & Electric Co.; Atchison, Kansas    (USA)  
Abbreviation: atchison
Products: Model types

In the November 1924 The Radio Trade Directory under the heading manufacturers of Vacuum Tube Sets on page 78, the Atchison Radio & Electric Company was located in Atchison, Kansas.

Atchison Radio Mfg. Co.; Atchison, Kan.
In 1921 Stein formed the Atchison Radio & Electric company and began experimenting with "wireless phones", as early radios were known. This was the beginning of the Steinite Electric radio, the first no-battery electric radio to be placed on the market in the US. Prior to his radio breakthrough, Stein had a nationwide market for three-tube battery sets he had developed during his electric radio pioneering. The old Atchison Specialty building at Omaha Junction led to further expansion to the 4th & Kansas location in 1923. He first began production of his radio at the Weis Mfg. Co. in the 1000 block of Commercial. In 1926 his world-altering radio went on the market. A national, then international market arose for Stein's new radio. It was the first successful no-battery radio. Mr. Stein had brought his engineering and manufacturing of radio receiving equipment and electronic apparatus business to Atchison. In 1920 he came to stay. He had several locations for his plant around Atchison. In 1910, the City Directory listed Fred W., Leo J. and Frank Stein as electrical engineers at Woodhouse-Stein, 806 N. 5th. In 1928, Steinite Radio Co. was at 1022 Commercial. Also listed was Atchison Radio Mfg. Co. which was located at 317 Commercial. By 1932 the "Stein Radio Laboratories" was at 823 Kansas Avenue in something called the "Radio Bldg."

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  31 TRF    
USA  31 5 AC [Table model] 224  This set is pre-wired to accept phonograph input. 
USA  31 5 DC 224  This set is pre-wired to accept phonograph input. 
USA  31 6 AC 224  This set incorporates a push-pull audio output circuit. It is also pre-wired to accept ph... 
USA  30 Mantel   One dial (primary tuning control knob) 
USA  30 Midget 12   One dial (primary tuning control knob) 
USA  23 Atchison Two-Stage Audio Amplifier Type S-6 UV201A  The Atchison Radio & Electric Company S-6 Two Stage Audio Amplifier was the matching amp f... 
USA  23 Atchison Receiving Set Regenerative Tuner Type S-5 UV200  The Atchison Radio & Electric Company Regenerative Receiving Set covered the 150 to 650 me... 
USA  29 5 AC [Console] 24  This set is pre-wired to accept phonograph input. See also Atchison table model 5AC... 


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