History of the manufacturer  

Central Radio - Emile Kunsch; Luxembourg

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Name: Central Radio - Emile Kunsch; Luxembourg    (L)  
Abbreviation: central
Products: Model types

Central Radio - Emile Kunsch
22 Avenue Monterey, Luxembourg

Distributor of several brands in 1936.

Sale of a Luxembourgish popular receiver in 1939-40.

The founder Émile Künsch was shot on 25 February 1944 in the German concentration camp of Hinzert, near the Luxembourgish border, and considered a national hero. For several years, the company closed for mourning each 25 February.

In 1947-48 active as radio service for several European brands under property of Madame Kunsch.

In 1950 it is selling other appliances.

It appears in the Company Register of Luxembourg as Central Radio Emile Kunsch S.à r.l., registered in 1978 and cancelled in 2004, with last address 4, Rue des Joncs - Howald.

The company Nouvelle Central-Radio E. Kunsch S.à r.l. was registered in the same street in 1989 but bankrupted in 2007.

Closed: 2004

This manufacturer was suggested by Alessandro De Poi.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
39/40 Pontiac   Sold as Récepteur populaire luxembourgeois, but probably based on similar Novak-Pontiac mo... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Centrale Radio - Emile Kunsch 22 Avenue Monterey, Luxembourg. 1939 advertisementtbn_central_radio_emile_kunsch_1939ad.jpg
Central Radio Emile Kunsch - Advertisement, Tageblatt 1936-11-28tbn_l_centralradio_ad_tageblatt_1936_11_28_01_p11.jpg


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