History of the manufacturer  

Elvira - Ελβιρα (ΕΛ.ΒΙ.ΡΑ.), Ελληνική Βιομηχανία Ραδιοφώνων (Greek Radio Industry); Athens

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Name: Elvira - Ελβιρα (ΕΛ.ΒΙ.ΡΑ.), Ελληνική Βιομηχανία Ραδιοφώνων (Greek Radio Industry); Athens    (GR)  
Abbreviation: elvira
Products: Model types

Ελληνική Βιομηχανία Ραδιοφώνων - Greek Radio Industry
Λημνου 81, Κυψέλη - 81 Limnou Street, Kypseli (Athens)

Brand: Elvira - Ελβιρα (ΕΛ.ΒΙ.ΡΑ.)

EL.VI.RA was a Greek radio manufacturer started in 1938 but paused production during WW2. After WW2 production of radios started again until almost 1949. These radios are extremely rare and hard to find here in Greece.

Founded: 1938
Closed: 1949

This manufacturer was suggested by Matthew Xenakis.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
GR  45–50 K49 12SA7   
GR  38 4 tube receiver model 1 6D6   
GR  38 E1 6C6  Model designation E1 uncertain. 
GR  50 B50 12SA7GT   


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