Informations sur le fabricant  

Minsk Radio Works; Minsk

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Nom: Minsk Radio Works; Minsk    (SU)  
alternative name:
Industrial Union Horizont || Minsk Works "Kalibr"
Abréviation: minsk-radi
Produits: Modèles

In the early days the maker is called "Minsk W.Molotov Radio Works" but later it is "Minsk Radio Works"; Minsk: We carry all models under the same maker to show the continuity.



Détails complémentaires fournis par les membres :

Logo von 1941tbn_su_minsk_radio_works_logo_1941.jpg
This has been sent as a JPEG plus the back side which reads 4/285, below: "Kühn-Minsk - 11.II.42, Radiofabrik Montageraum. Who knows more? Who has more pictures with people? This is only a part of the picture - for getting the persons in a greater format than in the whole picture which is also displayed. By courtesy of guest Bruce Sadler, Evansville, IN, USA.tbn_minsk_montageraum_1942_pic1.jpg
This has been sent as a JPEG plus the back side which reads 4/285, below: "Kühn-Minsk - 11.II.42, Radiofabrik Kantine. Who knows more? Who has more pictures with people? This is only a part of the picture - for getting the persons in a greater format than in the whole picture which is also displayed. By courtesy of guest Bruce Sadler, Evansville, IN, USA.tbn_minsk_kantine_1942_pic1.jpg
This has been sent as a JPEG plus the back side which reads 4/285, below: "Kühn-Minsk - 11.II.42, Radiofabrik Montageraum. Who knows more? Who has more pictures with people? This is the full picture - see also more details on the other. By courtesy of guest Bruce Sadler, Evansville, IN, USA.tbn_minsk_montageraum_1942_pic2.jpg
This has been sent as a JPEG plus the back side which reads 4/285, below: "Kühn-Minsk - 11.II.42, Radiofabrik Kantine. Who knows more? Who has more pictures with people? This is the full picture - see also more details on the other. By courtesy of guest Bruce Sadler, Evansville, IN, USA.tbn_minsk_kantine_1942_pic2.jpg
Backside of the pictures with the people in the fabric 1942.tbn_minsk_kantine_1942.jpg
Backside of the pictures with the people in the fabric 1942.tbn_minsk_montageraum_1942.jpg
Source: Selena B215 rádióvevő, gyártotta a Lenin Minszk Rádióüzem (ma Horizont), Belarusz, 1986 (fotó: Evgenyij Koktysh)tbn_su_minskradi_selene_b215_front.jpg
Manufacturer documentationtbn_su_unknown_r101l_manual8.png
Manufacturer documentationtbn_su_unknown_r101l_manual_logo.jpg

Contributions du forum pour ce fabricant
Minsk Radio Works; Minsk
Discussions: 3 | Publications: 4
Vus: 22686     Répondre: 0
Henryk Berezowski

Ich empfehle das Buch "Elektrit". Dies ist das Forum für RM oder www

Vus: 2702     Répondre: 0
Minsk Molotow Werke & Firmengeschichte ~1945 - 1949
Wolfgang Scheida

Eine sehr lebendige Firmengeschichte erzählt von Otto F. Schröter einem ehem. Deutschen Kriegsgefangenen findet sich in der GFGF Funkgeschichte Heft Nr. 95 aus März/April 1994 S. 75 ff.


  • Die Zusammenstellung ausgewählter Kriegsgefangener zu einem "Radiokommando".
  • Umgang und Behandlung selbiger in Gefangenschaft
  • Nachweis "eingesammelter" Rundfunkgeräte in der UdSSR unter der Sowjetbesatzungsmacht in D.
  • US Hilfsprogramm (Lend & Lease ?) mit Gerätelieferungen - (Dabei würde mich interessieren ob es Literatur darüber gibt ob und inwieweit die UdSSR so wie das Vereinigte Königreich die Leistungen aus dem Lend & Lease Vertrag je abgegolten hat?)
  • Namensnennungen einstiger Mitarbeiter
  • Verweis auf Minerva Zweigwerk von Wilna nach Minsk (Beachte den vorangegangenen Thread wonach dem nicht so war).
  • Entlohnungssatz f. Kriegsgefangene 150 Rubel/Monat und "Erweiterung" des Satzes
  • Praxishandhabung von 5 Jahresplänen
  • "Aussiedler" aus Preußen bei Wobbe Radio 


W.S. 8/2010

Vus: 4281     Répondre: 1
Minsk Molotov Radio Works
Zenonas Langaitis

If I good undestand -  not  MINERVA -  in  Vilnius (Wilna)  1921-1939 work  firma  "Elektrit".
And Elektrit  factory  move by rusians  to Minsk  and  became  Minsk Radio Works.
Never  Minerva was in Lithuania, Vilnius.   

see Elektrit  company  history  on RMorg...
Poland company "Elektrit" worked in Lithuania capital Vilnius... How its happened ? Till 1939, about 1/5 of Lithuania Republic territory (Vilnius-Wilno and a round) was Poland territory, occupy in 1920.

In Wilno (now Vilnius, capital of Lithuania Republic), in 1925-1939 work largest Poland radio manufakturer - "Elektrit".

In 1940 comming Russia army (second occupant Lithuania territory) - and return(?) this territory to Lithuania. But then all this territory became USSSR - Lithuania named as "Lithuania SSR". Only in 1990 Lithuania independend free of smb.

In 1940 manufakturer "Elektrit" russians move to MINSK, in Belarus. Its become "Minsk Molotov Radio Works". And first Minsk radios is "Elektrit" copy.


In  1934  "Elektrit"  get  "MINERVA"  licence  and start  produced  radio  under this licence. But it is other  theme.... about  "Elektrit"....

Ernst Erb

Quite a time ago I received a picture whitch you can click to big size on the factory page. ID = 619740. I have put in the following caption:
"This has been sent as a JPEG plus the back side which reads 4/285, below: "Kühn-Minsk - 11.II.42, Radiofabrik Montageraum. Who knows more? Who has more pictures with people? This is the full picture - see also more details on the other."

I now received this picture again from the guest Bruce Sadler, Evansville, IN, USA, together with an other picture from a cantine. He told me the following:

"I have attached two photos from the Minsk Radio Factory. Can you tell me anything about the factory. The one photo show a woman serving to what looks like children. The other is the inside of the factory.
I know that this is from the Minsk factory as the name and date (1942)are on the back. My father found these two photos along with others after Dachau was liberated. Any information you can give me would be appreciated.

Since this picture is bigger, I will also use our new bigger format, 933 instead of only 700 pixels width.

Minsk Radio Works; Minsk
Fin des contributions forum pour ce fabricant


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