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Aleksandrov Radio Works (ARZ)

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Name: Aleksandrov Radio Works (ARZ)    (SU)  
anderer Name:
Abkürzung: aleksandro

Aleksandrov Radio Works Die russische Site bringt gute Beispiele für die Produktion der UdSSR. Da sind auch die Signete zur genauen Identifizierung zu finden.

Beside civil radios and TVs this manufacturer produced many military and special devices. As security Radio Works in USSR, this manufacturer had the special adress - "Post Box M-5985".

Gegründet: 1932

The factory was founded in 1928 in Moscow in an old telegraph building for manufacturing of radio communication equipment. In the following year the factory was named Radio Factory N°3 Promsvyaz.

At September 2nd, 1932 Narkomsvyaz USSR (Narodnyj Komissariat Svyazi, NKS – National Telecommunication Commissariat) made a decision about transfer of the company to city Alexandrov. Since 1933 company was known as Alexandrov Radio Factory N°3 NKS, later Alexandrov Radio Factory only.

In 1936 the factory started mass production of radio devices. In 1939 company engineers develop a prototype of black/white TV set ATP-1, claimed to have better performance as foreign TV sets like from RCA. In 1941, when WW2 came to the USSR, the company was transferred to Kazakhstan, city Petropavlovsk under code name State Union Factory N°641.

Since 1947 the company developed the TV set KVN, his volume production started in 1949 with model KVN-49. In the meantime, development and production of military and commercial radioindustry devices continued. In 1962 company became a secret classified company with code name Factory M-5985.

Later on, the company was named again Radio Factory Alexandrovsk, PO Rekord, AOOT Radio Factory Alexandrovsk, OAO Radio Factory Alexandrovsk. In 1996 company founded a new one, ZAO Alexandrovsk „Standard“, logo „Record“.


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