Informations sur le fabricant  

Gold Coast, Goldblatt Bros., Inc.; Chicago, IL

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Nom: Gold Coast, Goldblatt Bros., Inc.; Chicago, IL    (USA)  
Abréviation: gold-coast
Produits: Brand Further brand

Goldblatt Bros Inc.
Ashland Street, Chicago, Illinois

This company sold tubes (at least) in the late 1920's with the brands Gold Coast and Goldblatt Bond. A tube and boxes have been located for both brands.


Simon and Hanna Goldblatt migrated from Poland to Chicago in 1905. Their two sons, Maurice and Nathan opened a department store in Ashland Street in 1914 and did well in this mainly Polish neighborhood. in 10 years sales grew to nearly a million and a half dollars. At some unrecorded time in the mid to late 1920's  they began selling radios and tubes.No record of radio involvement has been found but tubes have been located with the brands Goldblatt Bond and Gold Coast. These would have been made for them by a larger manufacturer. A reference to the fact that their stores operated "Coast to Coast" is printed on the Gold Coast tube box. A tube and box for Goldblatt Bond has also been found.

In 1936 the business moved to State Street, Chicago and by the end of World War Two the company had fifteen stores employing two and a half thousand. In the 1970's there were forty seven stores and they were beginning to have serious competition from stores such as K-Mart and Sears Roebuck. In 2003 and with only six stores in Chicago left, the company closed and all assets were sold.

Ce fabricant a été suggéré par Fin Stewart


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