History of the manufacturer  

Retekess Technology Co., Ltd.; Shenzhen

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Name: Retekess Technology Co., Ltd.; Shenzhen    (PRC)  
Abbreviation: retekess
Products: Model types

Shenzhen Retekess Technology Co., Ltd.

A branch of Henan Eshow Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd, which was founded in 2008. They have been specializing in wireless technology applications.

Retekess is committed to short-range wireless communication technology.

Their research and development teams have extensive experience in developing wireless electronics, wireless communications, microcontroller control, RF, voice codec, automation and software;

They have provided professional wireless products and solutions to their customers successfully by using AM, FM, voltage regulator circuit, differential frequency forwarding and other technologies.

Retekess products include wireless calling systems, tour guide systems, conference devices, FM transmitters and radios.

Founded: 2008

This manufacturer was suggested by Jose Mesquita.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
PRC  19 AM/FM/SW Radio MP3 REC Player V115 SWR-710SV2   This is a feature rich world band digital pocket radio, recorder, and MP3 player. Main fea... 
PRC  10 FM/AM/SW 3Band Radio V117   Portable FM/AM/SW 3-Band Radio Model Retekess V117 FM 87 - 108 MHz AM 520 - 1710 k... 
PRC  05 AM/FM 2 Band Radio TR106   Pocket AM/FM 2 Band Radio Model Retekess TR106 Tuning Range: AM 520 - 1710 kHz, 5... 
PRC  19 FM/MW/SW 3-Band radio TR103   The Retekess TR103 pocket radio features FM stereo (on earphones), MW, and SW bands. It pl... 
PRC  22 Wide Frequency Radio Receiver TR110   The Retekess TR110 FM.MW.SW.AIR.CB/VHF.UHF.WX.HAM Wide Frequency Radio Receiver  is a... 
PRC  19 Wide Frequency Receiver TR105   The Retekess TR05 pocket radio features FM, VHF, MW, SW, CB, and AIR bands. It offers cloc... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

RETEKESS Shenzhen Retekess Technology Co.,Ltd - Year 2023tbn_retekess_shenzhen_retekess_technology_co._ltd.png


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