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Columbia Record Company; Athens

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Name: Columbia Record Company; Athens    (GR)  
Abkürzung: columbia
Produkte: Modell-Typen Anderes

Columbia Record Company


Columbia Record Company was a subsidiary company of British Columbia. Greek Columbia was a major record company which hosted many international singers and greek as well. Between 1948 and early 1950's assembled 2-3 tube radio models extremely rare to find today. 2 - 3 radio collectors here have the CG-315A model, photos included.

The British Columbia, looking forward to the market of the Balkans and the Middle East, decided to operate in Athens a factory for the production of gramophones, radios, phonographic records, loudspeakers and all kinds of sounding instruments and other related products. The construction works began in 1928 and were completed in December 1930, (127 Heraklion Avenue) in Rizoupoli in an area of 14 acres.

Gegründet: 1930
Geschlossen: 1980
Produktion: 1948 - 1950

Diese Firma wurde von Matthew Xenakis eingebracht.


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