Historia del fabricantes  

Welch Scientific Co., W.M.; Chicago, later Skokie, IL

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Nombre: Welch Scientific Co., W.M.; Chicago, later Skokie, IL    (USA)  
Abreviatura: welch
Productos: Modelos

W. M. Welch Scientific Company
1516 Orleans St., Chicago, IL (1919)
1515 Sedgwick St., Chicago, IL (1940)

The Welch Scientific Company
1515 Sedgwick St., Chicago 10, IL (1963)
7300 N. Linder Ave, Skokie, IL 60076 (1968)

Canada: The Welch Scientific Company of Canada, Ltd.
Offices in Weston, Montreal and Vancouver

The Welch Scientific Company was a major supplier of instrumentation for teaching scientific subjects in high school and university settings. Products relative to radio include meters, radio and electrical apparatus; demonstration radio transmitter, radio receiver, electronic voltage regulator; audio oscillator.

Fundación: 1880
Cierre: 1968

In 1968, E. H. Sargent & Company and the Welch Scientific Company merged under the name Sargent-Welch Scientific Company.

Este fabricante fue propuesto por Rich Post.

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Otros detalles de miembros para este fabricante:

Logo from catalog 'Laboratory Apparatus', 1949tbn_usa_welch_logo1949.jpg


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