Informazioni sul produttore  

Stella (Brand) Cory-Wright & Salmon Ltd.; Wellington

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Nome: Stella (Brand) Cory-Wright & Salmon Ltd.; Wellington    (NZ)  
Abbreviazione: stella
Prodotti: Modelli

Cory-Wright & Salmon Ltd.
61 Molesworth Street, Wellington.

Brand: Stella

New Zealand Stella Radio

Fondata: 1933
Chiusa: 1991
Produzione: 1934 - 1939

British Stella Brand

No Connection Found

Despite sharing the same brand name, there appears to be no connection between the New Zealand Stella radios and the British Stella brand.

Silston Cory-Wright (1888 – 1976) and Cedric Whitby Salmon (1892 – 1979), electrical engineers, incorporated Cory-Wright & Salmon Ltd. on July 29, 1933. [1]

The business was built upon the partners' connections with major British firms, such as Vickers and English Electric, but it also represented over 50 other large international engineering companies. The company supplied a wide variety of engineering equipment, with a particular focus on railways. Examples included: electrical components for the Lyttelton-Christchurch line (1928), electric train units for the Wellington-Johnsonville line (1938), and electric locomotives for the main trunk line beginning with Wellington-Paekakariki (1939–40). [2]

The company also distributed Stella brand radios from 1934 to 1937.[3]

In February 1938, they registered Stella Radio Ltd. in Wellington as dealers in radio equipment.[4]

Stella radios were advertised until 1939, and it is unclear who manufactured them.

The company was dissolved in November 1991.

[2], Cory-Wright, accessed Nov 2021.
[3] Evening Post 20 Oct 1934, Page 3.
[4] Evening Post 18 Feb 1938, Page 12.

Questo produttore è stato proposto da Brian Stevens.


Ulteriori particolari per questo produttore inviate dai soci:

[3] Evening Post 20 Oct 1934, Page 3. Image sourced from Paperpast -National Library of New Zealandtbn_nz_stella_3_evening_post_20_oct_1934_page_3.png
[4] Evening Post 18 Feb 1938, Page 12. Image sourced from Paperpast -National Library of New Zealandtbn_nz_stella_4_evening_post_18_feb_1938_page_12.jpg
1935 advert for Stella Radios. Evening Post 18 July 1935, Page 26. Image sourced from Paperpast -National Library of New Zealandtbn_nz_stella_evening_post_18_july_1935_page_26.jpg


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