Historia del fabricantes  

NAMCO Manufacturing Co., Inc. (N.M. Co.); New York, NY

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Nombre: NAMCO Manufacturing Co., Inc. (N.M. Co.); New York, NY    (USA)  
Abreviatura: namco
Productos: Modelos

NAMCO Manufacturing Co., Inc. (N.M. Co.)
142 W. 26th St., New York, NY

NAMCO was a manufacturer/brand of radios and other electronic equipment for export under the brand names Bestone and Little Corporal.


Models include wood and catalin table radios, portable radios, and radio-phonographs from 1935 to 1940.  It did manufacture radios for the domestic market briefly in 1940 but was unsuccessful.

It was reorganized in December 1940 as the Hamilton Radio Corp.

Fundación: 1935
Cierre: 1940
Producción: 1935 - 1940

NAMCO Manufacturing Co. was incorporated in 1935 to produce table radios with three to nine tubes covering from one to three bands.  They sold to foreign markets, including Great Britain and certain Latin American countries.  They also manufactured portable radios and radio-phonograph sets.

Shortly after the outbreak of war in Europe (WW2), the foreign market for their radios was almost totally eliminated.  They attempted to recover by announcing a domestic line of radios in early 1940 to make up for the export losses but the company still fell into financial distress.  The company was reorganized in December 1940 as the Hamilton Radio Corp., which assumed the same production facility and offices.  The legal reorganization was finalized in January 1941.


Radio Today, April 1940, page 63, “Namco Now a Factor in Domestic Radio Market”
Radio Troubleshooter’s Handbook, Alfred A. Ghirardi, 1943, page 715
The Commercial and Financial Chronical, Vol. 162, No. 4423, Sept. 24, 1945; via FRED/FRASER Economic Data, St. Louis Federal Reserve


Este fabricante fue propuesto por Wilhelm Siepe.

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Label at Radio unknown model.tbn_namco_radio_label.jpg


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