History of the manufacturer  

CRC (C.R.C.); Chicago, IL

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Name: CRC (C.R.C.); Chicago, IL    (USA)  
Abbreviation: crc
Products: Model types

CRC (C.R.C.)
Chicago, IL

This manufacturer is based on the four schematics that are contained in Riders Vol. 4.  There also is a Steinite cathedral model from this era with similar tube compliment that has a label that references the Chicago location. 

There also are a few 1950's Continental (Spiegel) models manufactured by "CRC, Chicago".   The connection (if any) to the earlier models is unknown.


Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  33 24-27 24   
USA  33 24-45 35   
USA  33 24-47 35   
USA  33 58-47 58   
USA  31 Steinite Cathedral 24A  See similar models Jewel, Gabertone, and Jefferson Mini-Cathedral. 
USA  31 Jefferson Mini-Cathedral 35  This is an unusual mini-cathedral radio with a chassis that appears to be identical to the... 
USA  31 Gabertone 24A  See similar models Jewel, Jefferson Mini-Cathedral, and Steinite Cathedral. 
USA  31 Jewel 24  See similar models Gabertone, Jefferson Mini-Cathedral, and Steinite Cathed... 


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