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History of the manufacturer  

Vega Electronics Corp.; Santa Clara, CA

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Name: Vega Electronics Corp.; Santa Clara, CA    (USA)  
Abbreviation: vega-elec
Products: Model types

Vega Electronics Corp.; Santa Clara, CA

Vega Electronics Corp. was originally founded and registered in Delaware.  In 1959, they registered in California and remained in business there until 1985, when their registration was not renewed and was terminated.

They made audio products including microphones, Wireless Microphone Receiver Transmitter(s), and other audio products/accessories.

Known addresses:
1161 Richard Ave., Santa Clara, CA (1959, 1968)
10781 N. Hwy 9, Cupertino, CA (1963)
2115 De La Cruz Blvd., Santa Clara, CA (1960's)

Founded: 1959
Closed: 1985

Became a subsidiary of Computer Equipment Corp. (circa 1963)

This manufacturer was suggested by Gottfried Silberhorn.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  70 FM Wireless Microphone Type 500 5P   Vega-Mike transmitter FM 33.14 MHz. 
USA  70 Wireless Microphone Receiver 10   FM 30-37 MHz. 


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