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Codeg (Brand),Cowan de Groot; London

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Name: Codeg (Brand),Cowan de Groot; London    (GB)  
Abkürzung: codeg
Produkte: Modell-Typen

Cowan de Groot
14 Bunhill Row, London, E.C.1 (1938)
26-28 Tabernacle Street, London, EC2. (1956)
Wakefield House, Chart Street, London. (1977)

Brand: Codeg

Cowan de Groot, later known as Codeg Productions, was established in 1919 by S.D. Cowan and A. de Groot as a toy import, wholesale, and distribution company.
They initially imported toys from around the world and later expanded into manufacturing their own products.
Cowan de Groot is also known for importing radios and tape recorders from Japan under the Codeg brand. [1]

Gegründet: 1919
Produktion: 1919 -

Cowan de Groot supplied toys to numerous British shops and mail-order businesses, including Winfield, the 'own brand' name of F.W. Woolworth. Their extensive product range included the Tracing Slate, Telephone Exchange, Xylophone, Vibraphone, Cash Register, Skittles, Wooden Pull Toys, Sand Toys (Merry Builders), Solitaire with Marbles, Clocks, Monorail, and the iconic Dr. Who Dalek.

Cowan de Groot was one of the first companies to produce licensed toys based on the popular BBC television program Dr. Who in 1965. Their Dr. Who-themed products included a clockwork Dalek, the Dodge the Daleks board game, and a Dalek money box

In 1991, Cowan de Groot was acquired by the Wilton Group and became part of Dekker Toys in 1993.

[1] Graces Guide, accessed Dec 2023.

Diese Firma wurde von Gary Cowans eingebracht.


Weitere Informationen zu diesem Hersteller durch Mitglieder des Radiomuseums:

Codeg Radio Box. eBay UK #:296079374539tbn_gb_codeg_tranistor_radio_box_detail.jpg


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