Hersteller - Information und Geschichte  

Keates-Hacker Co. Ltd.; London

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Name: Keates-Hacker Co. Ltd.; London    (GB)  
Abkürzung: keateshac
Produkte: Modell-Typen

Keates-Hacker Co. Ltd.
91 -93, Bishopsgate, London, E.C.2. (1937-1939)


Keates-Hacker Co. Ltd., a short-lived collaboration between Keates and Co. (Radio) Ltd. and the Hacker brothers, catered to luxury radio lovers with bespoke, handcrafted Dynatron receivers. Despite a stunning final offering in 1940, market challenges led the Hacker brothers to buy out the company and focus on their own, later-resurrected Hacker Radio Ltd. brand. [1]

Gegründet: 1937
Geschlossen: 1940
Produktion: 1937 - 1940

Keates-Hacker: Bespoke Luxury, Born from Collaboration

In October 1937, a collaboration brought forth a new force in luxury radio: Keates-Hacker Co. Ltd. Formed by the merging of Keates and Co. (Radio), Ltd. and the Hacker brothers, this venture aimed to cater to discerning listeners with handcrafted, "custom-built" receivers. Their foundation was a powerful 18-valve Dynatron chassis, boasting the latest technology. Each bespoke cabinet was created to the individual specifications of the client, ensuring a truly unique listening experience. A prestigious Voigt loudspeaker was standard equipment, complementing the exceptional sound quality. To guarantee peace of mind, every set came with a set of spare valves and a five-year guarantee. [2]

Their final offering, released in 1940, was a stunning statement piece. Faced in a peach-tinted mirror and incorporating a clock and a record cutter, it embodied the pinnacle of Keates-Hacker's luxury. However, amidst challenging market conditions leading up to World War II, the Hacker brothers bought out the other directors and rebooted the company as Hacker Radio Ltd. in 1941, a name they would later resurrect in 1959.


[1] Hacker Radio, Dixon-Nutall/Bussey, Geoffrey/Gordon (1993) ISBN 0-9522197-0-0.
[2] Wireless World Oct 1, 1937, Page 335.

Diese Firma wurde von Gary Cowans eingebracht.


Weitere Informationen zu diesem Hersteller durch Mitglieder des Radiomuseums:

[2] Wireless World Oct 1, 1937, Page 335.tbn_gb_keatshac_2_wireless_world_oct_1_1937_page_335.jpg


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