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History of the manufacturer  

Audiofon Zakład Radiotechniczny; Łódź

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Name: Audiofon Zakład Radiotechniczny; Łódź    (PL)  
Abbreviation: audiofon
Products: Model types

Zakład Radiotechniczny "Audiofon"
Ulica Piotrkowska 128, Łódź
Ulica Piotrkowska 166, Łódź

Only a few radios of this company remain.


Zakład Radiotechniczny Audiofon was established in Lodz in the second half of the 1920s. Radios of its own design (detector and tube radios) were produced. It is not known when production ended, probably in the early 1930s.

This manufacturer was suggested by Marcin Seliwiak.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
PL  28–31 detektor Audiofon    


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Manufacturer documentationtbn_audiofon_reklama.jpg
Manufacturer documentationtbn_audiofon_grudzien_1930.jpg
Manufacturer documentationtbn_audiofon_luty_1928.jpg


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