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History of the manufacturer  

General Radio & Television Corp.; Chicago, IL

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Name: General Radio & Television Corp.; Chicago, IL    (USA)  
Abbreviation: general-tv
Products: Model types

General Radio & Television Corp.
511 S. Sangamon St., Chicago, IL

General Radio & Television Corp. name does not appear on any actual known models and is most likely due to a transposed error that occurred in 1939-1940.

The correct manufacturer is General Television and Radio Corp.


The confusion may have occurred when Climax Radio Corp. (1930)General Television, Inc., and M.N. Hutton Television Radio Corp. merged and became Climax Radio & Television Co. (1934) [1].  They later changed their name to (or was acquired by) General Television & Radio Corp. (1939-1940) [2].

See Climax Radio & Television Co. for more information about that company.

During this name change transition, it's likely that the name Climax (Climax Radio & Television) was mistakenly replaced by General, resulting in General Radio & Television, instead of the correct General Television & Radio Corp.

The first publication that erroneously listed General Radio & Television Corp. was Service magazine, Aug. 1940. [3]  Service listed several models as GENERAL (General Radio & Television Corp.), including models 73, 507, 507L, and more.

However, Ghirardi [2] listed CLIMAX with those same models 73, 507, 507L, and more; and also stated that Climax is now operated as General Telev. & Radio Corp. 

Therefore, the 1940 Service magazine General Radio & Television Corp. listing name was incorrect and is likely the primary source of the propagated error.


The name error is found in:

The Radio Collector’s Directory and Price Guide 1921-1965 (Grinder); 2nd edition is incorrect.

Collector’s Guide to Antique Radios (Bunis/Slusser); 7th edition is correct, all earlier editions are incorrect.

Service magazine, Aug. 1940.

The following reference clips are uploaded:
[1]  Radio Retailing, Aug. 1934, page 33.
[2]  Radio Troubleshooter's Handbook, Third Edition, 1939, 1941, 1943, Ghirardi.
[3]  Service magazine, Aug. 1940, page 6.


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Radio Retailing, Aug. 1934, page 33.tbn_usa_general_radio_tv_climax_1934_rename.jpg
Radio Troubleshooter's Handbook, Third Edition, 1939, 1941, 1943, Ghirardi.tbn_usa_general_radio_tv_climax_1939_1943_ghirardi.jpg
Service magazine, Aug. 1940, page 6.tbn_usa_general_radio_tv_climax_1940_service.jpg


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