Historia del fabricantes  

Hoffman Radio Corp.; Los Angeles, CA

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Nombre: Hoffman Radio Corp.; Los Angeles, CA    (USA)  
Abreviatura: hoffman
Productos: Modelos

Hoffman Radio Corp.
3761 South Hill St.
Los Angeles, CA (from SAMS Photofact 471-12, Jan. 1947)

Manufacturer of radios and televisions in the 1940's and 1950's.  Changed name to Hoffman Radio and Television Corp. in 1948.

Radio from my own collection. Hoffman Electronics was located in Los Angeles and Kansas City. The overall size, circuit, and parts layout is very similar to the Emerson 747.

Fundación: 1941

The following is from a Wikipedia article about Les Hoffman.

Between 1929 and 1931 a company called Mission Bell Radio Manufacturing Company was formed. They were based in Los Angeles and specialized in low-cost midget radio receivers. To keep cost down Mission Bell would buy as many prefabricated parts as possible and made a few design changes to established radio chassis to avoid legal action. It was a company that was always in financial problems throughout the 1930s. By 1941 the company filed for bankruptcy.

In 1941 Les Hoffman, then a flourescent lamp salesman, came to the Mission Bell Radio Office to collect an overdue debt. The doors were locked and they were closed for good. Finding out the company went bankrupt, he decided to buy Mission Bell Radio and continue to make radios under the name Hoffman Radio. The company would remain in Los Angeles.

Manufactured televisions to about 1977.

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