History of the manufacturer  

Leutz, C.R., Inc.(Golden-Leutz, Norden-Hauck); Altoona (PA) later New York

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Name: Leutz, C.R., Inc.(Golden-Leutz, Norden-Hauck); Altoona (PA) later New York    (USA)  
alternative name:
Experimenters Information Service || Norden-Hauck
Brand: Pliodyne || Plio-6 || Seven Seas || Silver Ghost || Transoceanic
Abbreviation: leutz
Products: Model types

C.R. Leutz Inc., Altoona, Pennsylvania.
Trade names Leutz, Plio, Pliodyne, Seven Seas, Silver Ghost, Transoceanic, Phantom.

In the November 1924 The Radio Trade Directory under the heading manufacturers of Vacuum Tube Sets on page 80, the Golden-Leutz, Inc. company was located at 476 Broadway in New York City, New York.

Founded: 1921
Closed: 1931

1921 Charles Roland Leutz and Claude Golden formed the EXPERIMENTERS' INFORMATION SERVICE (E.I.S.) in New York City.. They sold blueprints for superheterodynes that Leutz designed and tested in his laboratory.

1923 GOLDEN-LEUTZ was formed to sell kits and parts. The journal "Radio News" from October 1926 shows an advertisement with the name "GOLDEN-LEUTZ, Inc., Sixth & Washington Aves., Long Island City, N.Y. for "Most powerful in the world" Navy model "Universal transoceanic" - a receiver with 6 units under "Licensed under Hogan patent 1,014,002. There was a free catalog of 88 pages. The name Golden-Leutz was changed 1927 to C.R.LEUTZ, INC.

1924 Leutz, Golden, Golden-Leutz, and E.I.S. were sued by RCA under Fessenden and Armstrong patents. Testimony was taken in June 1924 and on July 21, 1924 Leutz's companies were enjoined from selling knockdown superhets (kits). They were only allowed to sell plans and parts.

NORDEN-HAUCK took over the sale of the banned goods. Located in Philadelphia they were obviously safe from RCA in New York.

The problem now is that the same models were sold under different names, and on top of that, the literature was not always dead true when models were attributed to manufacturers.

To avoid doublets in our records as far as possible we concentrate all the models of a.m. manufacturers and brand names under one single name LEUTZ.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  25 Norden-Hauck Navy Model C-10 UV201A  Covers 50 to 600 meters using 4 interchangeable sets of RF coils (3 coils per set). Approx... 
USA  23 Tuned Amplifier J [2 stage]   Combined RF amplifier and Antenna adapter. Two dials (primary tuning control knobs) 
USA  22 Armstrong Super-Heterodyne   850 to 25,000 meters without Heterodyne (TRF).150 to 850 meters with Heterodyne.Four dials... 
USA  23 Superhet C UV201A  Available as plans in 1923 from E.I.S; in kit form 1924 (price is given for kit). All 8 tu... 
USA  26 Super 10 [TRF]   Covers 35 to 3600 meters if desired. Available also in kit form or just the constructional... 
USA  30 7CS   One dial (primary tuning control knob) 
USA  26 9SE   Two dials (primary tuning control knobs) 
USA  28 AA   One dial (primary tuning control knob) 
USA  25 Admiralty Plio 6   Two dials (primary tuning control knobs) 
USA  25 Admiralty Plio 6 Junior (6 Jr)   Two dials (primary tuning control knobs) 
USA  25 Admiralty Plio 6 Senior (6 Sr)   Two dials (primary tuning control knobs) 
USA  25 Admiralty Super 8   Two dials (primary tuning control knobs) 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Research Laboratory of I.E.S in New York City.tbn_usa_experimentersis_reslab.png
Image Courtesy of Alan Douglas for use only.tbn_usa_leutz_1.jpg
Image Courtesy of Alan Douglas for use only.tbn_usa_leutz_2.jpg


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