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History of the manufacturer  

Liberty Transformer Co.; Chicago, IL

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Name: Liberty Transformer Co.; Chicago, IL    (USA)  
Abbreviation: liberty-tr
Products: Model types

Liberty Transformer Co.
555 N. Parkside Ave., Chicago, Illinois

Trade name: Liberty 


Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  25 Sealed Five (5) Standard   Three dials (primary tuning control knobs) 
USA  24 Liberty Five UV201A   
USA  25 Sealed Standard Five (5) Console Code 6363 UV201A   
USA  25 Sealed Five (5) Special Code 6262 UV201A   
USA  25 Liberty Speaker Cabinet    
USA  25 Sealed 5 Console UV201A   
USA  26 Liberty Five [with vernier dials, different capacitors]   This model is very similar to this Liberty Five model.  


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

April 1925 Radio News magazine advertisement on page 1956tbn_usa_liberty_transformer_sealed_5_april_1925_radio_news_page_1956.jpg


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