Informations sur le fabricant  

Lincoln Radio Corporation (Allied); Chicago (IL)

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Nom: Lincoln Radio Corporation (Allied); Chicago (IL)    (USA)  
alternative name:
Lincoln Radio & Television
Abréviation: lincoln
Produits: Modèles

Lincoln Radio Corporation, Chicago, Ill.
224 N. Wells St. (1925)
329 S. Wood Street (1932)

Lincoln Radio & Television Corp., Chicago, Ill.
841 Jackson Blvd. (1939)
101 N. Campbell Ave. (1954)

Lincoln, Division of Allied Radio Corporation

Lincoln-Generalvertretung für Österreich durch das Radio-Engros-Spezialhaus Alfred und Rudolf Schlanger in Wien IX., Porzellangasse 26 - 28.


The history of Lincoln is somewhat clouded. There seems to be a continuous line from around 1922 to around 1950, and a later diversion into other business areas.

In 1922 the company advertises sockets for dry cell tubes (60c.) and glass enclosed grid leaks (30c.). First models appear around 1923.

President and chief engineer in 1933 was William H. Hollister. [June 1933 Short Wave Craft]

The year 1951 has SAMS schematics for Lincoln models by Lincoln Radio & Television, as well as by Allied Radio Corp. At the same time, we find an announcement that "the Lincoln Radio & Television Corp. has been formed in Chicaco to handle the distribution of Webster-Chicago products". [Billboard, 13 Jan. 1951]

The year coincides more or less with the appearance of Lincoln branded models made by Allied. The Allied Lincoln headsets also bear a logo that closely resembles the cursive lettering of the Lincoln logo.

The "Lincoln Radio and Television Corporation" still exists as late as 1960, when they form a partnership with Jupiter-Ramada Corp. and acquire 7.5% of the Ramada chain of motels. [American Stock Exchange, 1962]

It can be inferred that the original Lincoln business was sold to Allied in 1951, and the Lincoln Radio & Television dissoved at that point, to be newly founded as a distributor/dealer with a currently unclear relation to Allied.



Détails complémentaires fournis par les membres :

Werbung für Lincoln-Radioteile in Österreich durch die Generalvertretung in Wien, Alfred & Rudolf Schlangertbn_usa_lincoln_werbung_1926.jpg
Periodical Radio-Craft, January 1932, back cover = page 450. own coll.tbn_advert_lincoln.jpg


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