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Patterson Radio Co. / Electric Co.; Los Angeles, CA

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Nome: Patterson Radio Co. / Electric Co.; Los Angeles, CA    (USA)  
Sierra || Supreme
Abbreviazione: patterson
Prodotti: Modelli

Patterson Electric Co.
239 S. Lost Angeles St, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles, CA (1922)

Patterson Radio Co.
239 South Lost Angeles St, Los Angeles, CA (1931)
1320 South Lost Angeles St, Los Angeles, CA (ca 1937)

Trade names Patterson, Sierra, Supreme. Might be listed as Patterson Radio Corp. instead of Co.

Fondata: 1919
Chiusa: 1939

Emmitt Patterson started the Patterson Electric in 1919. The chief engineer was Ray Gudie who also designed the Breting receivers. Ray Gudie left Patterson during the design of the PR-12, Karl Pierson joined the company in 1934 and was instrumental in the design of the PR-15 and PR-16 receivers. Patterson built receivers from 1935-1940. The Patterson receivers were high end receivers with high tube counts, chrome chassis, crystal filters and many other features not available on Hallicrafters and National radios of the same vintage. All the Patterson chassis were manufactured in the Gillfillan plants. Patterson went out of business in 1939.


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July 1922 Radio Journal magazine advertisement page 107tbn_usa_pattersonelectric_jewel_july_1922_radio_journal_page_107.jpg


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