Historia del fabricantes  

Philmore Mfg. Co. - Ajax Products Co.; New York, NY

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Nombre: Philmore Mfg. Co. - Ajax Products Co.; New York, NY    (USA)  
Kompakt || Little Wonder
Abreviatura: philmore
Productos: Modelos Brand

Ajax Products Company

Philmore Manufacturing Company
105 Chambers Street in New York City, New York (1925)

Philmore Mfg. Co.
113 - 115 University Place, New York City, NY

Philmore Manufacturing Co., Inc.
130-01 Jamaica Avenue, Richmond Hill 18, New York (1950s)

Trade names: Ajax, Blackbird, Blue Bird, Kompakt, Little Wonder, Philmore, Supertone

In the November 1925 edition of The Radio Trade Directory on page 120, under the listing for manufacturers of crystal sets, the Philmore Manufacturing Company was located at 105 Chambers Street in New York City, New York.

Philmore Mfg. Co., Inc of the 1950s might or might not be the same company.

Philmore radio tubes were also made. Types 124 and 201A located.


Formed in 1921 as the Ajax Products Company and incorporated under the Philmore name in 1925.

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