Historia del fabricantes  

Radio Shop, The (Echophone); Sunnyvale, CA

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Nombre: Radio Shop, The (Echophone); Sunnyvale, CA    (USA)  
Abreviatura: radio35
Productos: Modelos

Radio Shop, The; Sunnyvale (CA). In Sunnyvale was the plant, with offices in San Jose.

The Radio Shop,- Trade names Echophone, Leroy.
It started with variometers and soon offered a Shortwave receiver(whatever SW meant in 1920: maybe 250 to 650 metres), based on such variometers and a single tube.

Fundación: 1920
Producción: 1920 - 1925
According to a former employee an Armstrong license was acquired already in 1920, and an ad stated in October 1920 that Radio Shop's sets were licensed.
In December 1922 the Echo Radio Corp. was formed and the name "The Radio Shop" dropped from sight. The Radio Shop itself continued to exist for legal reasons, since the Armstrong license was not transferrable.
Everything went over to Echophone.

[rmxhdet-sp dsp_hersteller_detail]

Otros detalles de miembros para este fabricante:

In the November 1924, The Radio Trade Directory, advertisement on page 77 In this advertisement the Armac Radio Company was the Sole Distributor for The Radio Shop with three locations listed the Armac Radio Chicago address as well as operations in Long Beach California and Sunnyvale, Cal.tbn_usa_radioshop_november_1924_radio_trade_directory_page_77~~1.jpg
February 1925 Radio News magazine advertisement on page 1517tbn_usa_echophone_model_4_feb._1925_radio_news_page_1517.jpg
October 1924, Popular Radio magazine advertisement page 78tbn_usa_echophone_oct._1924_popular_radio_78.jpg

Contribuciones en el Foro acerca de este fabricante
Radio Shop, The (Echophone); Sunnyvale, CA
Hilos: 1 | Mensajes: 1
Entradas: 1880     Réplicas: 0
The Radio Shop expands to St. Louis, Missouri.
Alan Larsen

Business was booming in 1922 and The Radio Shop company decided to expand manufacturing operations of it's regenerative receivers to the midwest. St. Louis, Missouri was chosen for the new location. The expansion was completed sometime in late 1922.

Here is the announcement in the November 25th, 1922 Electrical World trade magazine on page 1191 announcing the new factory and distribution company. 

November 25th, Electrical World magazine page 1191

A new company was formed to take over distribution of the various products of the entire Radio Shop company. This new company called the Echo Radio Corporation was incorporated in the State of Delaware on 8/11/1922 with A. B. Dorman listed as agent. 

Here are those incorporation details from the state of Missouri.

This announcement from the December 1st, 1922 Journal of Electricity and Western Industry clarifies the role of A. B. Dorman as the Eastern magager for the company and also the role of the new Echo Radio Corporation as being responsible for distribution of all products of the Radio Shop company. 

December 1, 1922 Journal of Electricity and Western Industry magazine page 422.

Another reference to the expansion of manufacturing to St. Louis from the December 1st, 1922 Journal of Electricity and Western Industry page 1421. 

Radio Shop, The (Echophone); Sunnyvale, CA
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