Hersteller - Information und Geschichte  

Shortwave & Television Labs. Inc. / Corp. (Baird); Boston, MA

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Name: Shortwave & Television Labs. Inc. / Corp. (Baird); Boston, MA    (USA)  
Abkürzung: shortwave
Produkte: Modell-Typen

Shortwave & Television Corporation
70 Brookline Ave. Boston, MA

Shortwave and Television Labs., Inc.
70 Brookline Ave., Boston, MA (1932)

Brand: Baird

Shortwave and Television Labs., Inc. is listed as manufacturer with the brand Baird in e.g. Radio-Retailing Oct. 1932, also in radio collectors literature (McMahon and Grinder). 

The name Shortwave and Television Corporation appears in advertisements, with the same address.

They also ran TV reception tests: on board of the USS Leviathan along the East Coast several TV stations were received. According to a report from July 24, 1931, stations in New York (CBS and NBC), Washington DC (3XK) and Boston (W1XAV and W1XAU) were received. The company name used here is Shortwave & Television Corporation Pictures (ref: A. Abramson: The History of Television, 1880 to 1941).

Gegründet: 1928

The company was founded 1928 by Vic Morgan, Hollis Baird and Butler Perry.

Shortwave and Television owned W1WX, the second mechanical television station in Boston. It opened in April 1929, initially broadcasting two times a day at 100 W power.

The station was later renamed W1XAV. There was also a sound station W1XAU.

W1XAV is closed in June 1934.

Morgan, Baird and Perry acquire General Television Corp. in March 1934 and change the name of Shortwave and Television to General Television.

The company is dissolved in 1935.


Weitere Informationen zu diesem Hersteller durch Mitglieder des Radiomuseums:

autographed by Hollis Baird in the 1970stbn_usa_baird_booklet1.jpg
autographed by Hollis Baird in the 1970stbn_usa_baird_booklet2.jpg
autographed by Hollis Baird in the 1970stbn_usa_baird_booklet3.jpg
Picture from the AWA Wireless Museum in Rochester.tbn_usa_shortwave_television_scanning_disk_2.jpg


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