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Thermiodyne Radio Corp., Plattsburgh NY. (ex Capital Phonolier, Potter-Shepard) later Algonquin Electric Co.

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Name: Thermiodyne Radio Corp., Plattsburgh NY. (ex Capital Phonolier, Potter-Shepard) later Algonquin Electric Co.    (USA)  
Abkürzung: thermio-ra
Produkte: Modell-Typen

Thermiodyne Radio Corp.; Plattsburg, New York - Tade name Thermiodyne:
Started as Capital Phonolier Company which went bankrupt - see details below.




Thermiodyne Radio Corp.; Plattsburg, New York - Tade name Thermiodyne:
Started as Capital Phonolier Company which went bankrupt, new backer reorganized as Shepard Potter Company in Plattsburgh, NY, which changed the name into Thermiodyne Radio Corp. which Leo Potter lead to bankruptcy (auction Januar 1927). Leo Potter bought the trade name and reorganized to Algonquin Electric Co. Inc.
, Poughkeepsie, New York.

Thermiodyne Radio Corp. sold via agents (wholesalers or dealers?). Brochures were produced by Thermiodyne Radio and provided to dealers with the dealers name on the bottom, so that some collectors might think it is the manufacturer. We have for instance the example of such folders for
Bates Bros. Electric Co.

Alan Larsen: "There is a trail of companies that are all related to Thermiodyne. The first company was the Capital Phonolier Company which went bankrupt and then with a new backer reorganized in Plattsburgh, New York as the Potter-Shepard Company who then changed their name to the Thermiodyne Radio company. I revised the company history for Shepard-Potter and added a model page for their first product the Shepco 1-tube receiver. We should probably link the three companies together. After bankrupting Thermiodyne Leo Potter bought the Thermiodyne trade name at the bankruptcy auction and then in Jan. 1927 reorganized the Algonquin Electric Co. and introduced a Thermiodyne Treasure Chest model. Interesting history in a short time span!"


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