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History of the manufacturer  

Westinghouse El. & Mfg. Co. - see also Canadian W.

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Name: Westinghouse El. & Mfg. Co. - see also Canadian W.    (USA)  
alternative name:
Westinghouse El. Int.
Abbreviation: westinghou
Products: Model types Tube manufacturer
Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (W.E.&M.) with its subsidary "Westinghouse Lamp Company" (Tyne page 310) joined RCA in June 1921

The company made the full range of radio panel/dial lamps.

Westinghouse Electric Corp.; Home Radio Division, Sunbury, Pennsylvania - Trade name Westinghouse. Tubes: Did early work on tubes but produced radio tubes after joining RCA. In January 1922 Westinghouse delivered it's first tubes, the WD11, in Febraury also the WR21 and from April 1922 on also UV201. The UV201 was produced also in the Westinghouse Lamp Company but are not equal in appearance or characteristics compared to the ones of W.E&M.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  53 H-769T21 Ch= V-2243-1 6BZ7  The Westinghouse H-769T21 is a 21" b/w TV with US standard VHF tuner channels 2 thru 13. E... 
USA  53 H-769T21 Ch= V-2243-3 6BZ7  The Westinghouse H-769T21 is a 21" b/w TV with US standard VHF tuner channels 2 thru 13. E... 
USA  31 Columaire Jr. WR12 UY235   
USA  53 H-769T21 Ch= V-2263-14 6BZ7  The Westinghouse H-769T21 is a 21" b/w TV with US standard VHF tuner channels 2 thru 13. E... 
USA  42 M104 12SA7   
USA  42 M106 1N5  Built in loop antenna. 
USA  42 M109 6SK7   
USA  42 M109B 6SK7   
USA  42 M-109C 6SK7   
USA  42 M109X 6SK7   
USA  42 M113 6SK7   
USA  42 M113C 6SK7   


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Scanned from the Radio Retailing May 1941.tbn_westinghouse_prom_rr_may41_.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing June 1941.tbn_westinghouse_prom_jun41_p21.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing January 1946 page 18.tbn_westinghouse_prom2_jan46_p1.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing January 1946 page 19.tbn_west_prom_jan46_p19.jpg
Firmenlogo 2002tbn_usa_westinghouse_2002_logo.jpg
Radio News for October 1925, Page 507tbn_usa_westinghouse_logo.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing July 1941.tbn_westinghouse_prom_rr_jul41.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing May 1946 page 168.tbn_westinghouse_prom_may46_p16.jpg
Westinghouse Advertise 1945tbn_usa_westinghouseradio_ad_1945.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing November 1946 page 18.tbn_rr_nov46_p18.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing November 1946 page 19.tbn_rr_nov46_p19.jpg
Radio News for October 1925, Page 507tbn_usa_westinghouse_address.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing January 1947 page 20.tbn_rr_jan47_p20.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing January 1947 page 21.tbn_rr_jan47_p21.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing February 1947 page 22.tbn_rr_feb47_p22.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing February 1947 page 23.tbn_rr_feb47_p23.jpg
Scanned from the Radio & Television Retailing April 1947 page 14.tbn_rr_apr47_p14.jpg
Scanned from the Radio & Television Retailing April 1947 page 15.tbn_rr_apr47_p15.jpg
Scanned from the Radio & Television Retailing July 1947 page 24.tbn_rr_jul47_p24.jpg
Scanned from the Radio & Television Retailing July 1947 page 25.tbn_rr_jul47_p25.jpg
Scanned from the Radio & Television Retailing August 1947 page 22.tbn_rr_aug47_p22.jpg
Scanned from the Radio & Television Retailing August 1947 page 23.tbn_rr_aug47_p23.jpg
Radio Broadcast, Nov. 1925, p. 83tbn_usa_westinghouse.jpg
Radio Broadcast, Jun. 1922, p. 185tbn_usa_westinghouse~~1.jpg
Werbung in der Radio-Technik – Radio-Amateur, Heft 1/1949 (Österreichische Repräsentanz).tbn_a_westinghouse_alfred_r_lipschitz_werbung_1949.jpg
Radio Broadcast, Mar. 1926, p. 545tbn_usa_westinghouse_3.jpg
Scanned from the Westinghouse Folder for 1938.tbn_westinghouse_folder_1938_p1.jpg
Scanned from the Westinghouse Folder for 1938.tbn_westinghouse_folder_1938_title.jpg
Scanned from the Westinghouse Folder for 1937.tbn_westinghouse_folder_1937_title.jpg
Scanned from the Westinghouse Folder for 1937.tbn_westinghouse_folder_1937_p3.jpg
Scanned from the Westinghouse Folder for 1941.tbn_westinghouse_folder_1941_title.jpg
Scanned from the Westinghouse Folder for 1941.tbn_westinghouse_folder_1941_p6.jpg
Scanned from the Westinghouse Folder for 1947.tbn_westinghouse_folder_1947_p1.jpg
Scanned from the Westinghouse Folder for 1947.tbn_westinghouse_folder_1947_p2.jpg
Scanned from the Westinghouse Folder W.S.R. 1052 for ca. 1934.tbn_westinghouse_folder34_title.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing June 1927 page 221.tbn_rr_june27_p221_ad_westinghouse.jpg
Westinghouse Logo as used on British documentstbn_gb_westinghouse_logo.png
Undated and unsourced adtbn_westinghouse_rectigon.png
Unsourced ad c. 1029tbn_westinghouse_ux245_advert.jpg

Forum contributions about this manufacturer/brand
Westinghouse El. & Mfg. Co. - see also Canadian W.
Threads: 3 | Posts: 3
Hits: 3056     Replies: 0
George Westinghouse 1846 - 1914
Bruce Morgenstern


 George Westinghouse  

1846 • 1914

Born on October 6, 1846, George Westinghouse received his first patent, October 3, 1865, for a rotary steam engine. His last patent was issued in 1918, four years after his death. Between those two patents were 359 others, many of them revolutionary in principle. 

He devised the first effective means of stopping trains - the air brake; he pioneered in the development of railway signals and interlocking switches; he invented a safe and efficient mechanism for joining railway cars; he brought out the first main line electric locomotive and was a pace-maker in railway electrification. 

When the nation's industries needed power, he developed a system for transmitting and using natural gas, and topped this with perhaps his greatest contribution of all - today's alternating current system of generating, transmitting, and utilizing electricity for power and light. 

In September, 1865, George Westinghouse, registered as a sophomore at Union College. Within three months, however, he had convinced himself and his teachers that the usual college curriculum had little to offer one of his mechanical leanings. When Christmas vacation came, he left college once and for all. 

By 1886 he had made the first step towards revolutionizing the area of manufacturing the greatest of all power sources - electricity, for what today we take for granted. On May 23, 1892, George Westinghouse was awarded a contract to light, with, alternating current electricity, the Columbian Exposition, a gala World's Fair to be held in Chicago the following year. The bidding process was based on a per bulb price. Westinghouse's bid was for $ 5.25 / bulb and his competitors came in at between $ 13.98 and $ 18.51 / bulb. In less than a year, George Westinghouse had built a quarter of a million stopper lamps to light up the Fair and to provide ample replacements. The lighting and display were proof to the public that the "Westinghouse’s alternating current" was not the demon they had been led to believe. 

The other crowning achievement in his career, already immeasurably rich in its contribution to the rise of industrial America, came in 1905 when Westinghouse introduced the first alternating-current locomotive. 

After weeks of illness, complicated by heart disease, with his mind still active, George Westinghouse busied himself working out designs for a wheelchair to be operated by electricity. On the morning of March 12, 1914, he died while resting in his wheelchair, his drawings near him.


During the 1980's and 1990's, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, sold all its industrial assets to numerous companies and focused on its media business. In 1997, Westinghouse  Electric Corporation, was renamed CBS Corporation (a media company). The new, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, New Castle DE, is a subsidiary of CBS Corporation and licensor of the Westinghouse name and trademark.









































 Copyright permission to post this pamphlet on the Radiomuseum granted July 14, 2014.                    Bruce Morgenstern


Hits: 3135     Replies: 0
1943 Westinghouse Film: Electronic @ Work
Vincent de Franco

Under the following link, you will be able to see a 1943 film made by Westinghouse showing 6 different basic use of tubes in industrial, military, radio and television.

Click on the picture to reach the movie on YouTube or HERE. Duration 21 minutes.

Working since many years with industry electronics, it has been very interesting to watch all the applications using vacuum tubes electronics that already were invented in the 1940...

Hits: 4095     Replies: 0
Mr. Televox
Georg Richter
  1 In about 1929 the Westinghouse humanoid "Mr. Televox" was celebrating his first birthday since he was manufactured in Pittsburgh(PA):

Due to the fact that "Mr. Televox" is voice-controlled I assume that he has some tubes (valves) inside.

The attached file is in German language.

Two other pictures are here and there. But playing Bridge?

Yes, I know this is not a model for RMorg, but I would like to receive more details.

Kind Regards


Westinghouse El. & Mfg. Co. - see also Canadian W.
End of forum contributions about this manufacturer/brand


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