Historia del fabricantes  

TMC (Brand), Telephone Manufacturing Co. Ltd.; London

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Nombre: TMC (Brand), Telephone Manufacturing Co. Ltd.; London    (GB)  
Abreviatura: tmc
Productos: Modelos

Telephone Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Hollingworth Works, Martell Rd, West Dulwich, London SE 21.
37 Upper Berkeley Street, London, W1.

T.M.C. Harwell Sales, Ltd.
Britannia House, 233 Shaftesbury Avenue London, WC2 (1934)

Brand: TMC


Founded in 1912, TMC wasn't a major phone manufacturer but excelled in specialised, low-volume production. Through various mergers and acquisitions, it carved out unique niches across different industries.

Fundación: 1912
Cierre: 1977
Producción: 1912 - 1977

The story of TMC isn't just about ringing handsets and crackling phone lines. It's a saga of radio waves, niche expertise, and unwavering adaptability, weaving together a tapestry of communication technologies beyond the confines of traditional telephony.

Early Days: Filling the Gap in Business Communication (1902-1912)

Founded amid the burgeoning telephone era, TMC didn't compete with giants like Ericsson or Siemens. Instead, their founder, Frederick Jackson, cleverly identified a gap in the market - affordable internal phone systems for businesses. He capitalized on the rising popularity of rental models, offering cost-effective solutions compared to traditional buying and wiring.
This strategic move solidified TMC's position as a trusted partner for the "New System" of rental companies, laying the foundation for future growth.

Early Sparks: Beyond Wires and Bells (1920s-1930s)

While TMC established itself as a leading supplier for rental phone companies, a burgeoning passion for radio ignited within its walls. They ventured into radio production, crafting elegant sets that combined aesthetics with technical prowess. Their early models, like the 1923 Concert Grand Loudspeaker and the TMC 3, 2-valve set became coveted possessions in living rooms, showcasing TMC's ability to cater to evolving consumer demands.

Wartime Innovation: Bridging the Airwaves (1940s)

World War II once again proved to be a crucible for TMC's ingenuity. Their expertise in precision engineering translated seamlessly to the world of radio communication. They developed specialized military radios, robust and reliable enough to withstand the harsh realities of the battlefield. Additionally, their work on radar and navigation systems further cemented their position as a valuable contributor to wartime efforts.

Post-War Diversification: From Music to Modems (1950s-1960s)

The post-war years saw TMC's radio prowess blossom. They embraced the burgeoning market for home entertainment, crafting hi-fi radiograms that delivered rich, immersive sound. Their "Music While You Work" systems, installed in factories and offices, aimed to boost worker morale and productivity through the magic of music. This foray into audio technology further diversified their portfolio, highlighting their willingness to explore and adapt to changing consumer trends.

Beyond Broadcasting: The evolution of radio technology (1960s onwards)

As the world transitioned from analog to digital communication, TMC continued to evolve. Their expertise in radio filters and precision engineering found new applications in areas like telemetry, telex, and early modems. This shift towards the data transmission side of the radio spectrum ensured their relevance in the rapidly changing technological landscape.

A Legacy of Adaptability and Ingenuity

While the TMC name ultimately merged with larger entities like Pye and Philips, their legacy of innovation and niche expertise lives on. From pioneering affordable business phone systems to crafting wartime communication tools and embracing the world of radio entertainment, TMC's story is a testament to the power of adaptation and dedication to quality. Their influence can be seen in the continued success of TMC Radio Pty Ltd. in Australia, a testament to the enduring legacy of the company that dared to explore beyond the confines of a single communication technology

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Otros detalles de miembros para este fabricante:

Thanks for Mr.András Pintér, Hungary, Budapest and Első Zalai Rádiómúzeum Alapítvány, First Zala County Radio Museum Foundation.tbn_gb_tmc_logo_in1924.jpg
Practical and Amateur Wireless 17th August 1935 Page 585tbn_gb_tmc_anzeige_1935.jpg
Amateur Wireless Nov 25, 1922, Page 574.tbn_gb_tmc_amateur_wireless_nov_25_1922_page_574.jpg
Amateur Wireless Oct 28, 1922, Page 479tbn_gb_tmc_amateur_wireless_oct_28_1922_page_479.jpg
Modern Wireless Mar 1925, Page 221.tbn_gb_tmc_modern_wireless_mar_1925_page_221.jpg
Popular Wireless Weekly Jan 23, 1924, Page Ad ii.tbn_gb_tmc_popular_wireless_weekly_jan_23_1924_page_ad_ii.jpg
Popular Wireless Weekly May 19, 1923, Page 533tbn_gb_tmc_popular_wireless_weekly_may_19_1923_page_533.jpg
T.M.C. Harwell Sales, Ltd. was formed by TMC. Wireless Constructor Jun 1934, Page 95tbn_gb_tmc_wireless_constructor_jun_1934_page_95.jpg
Wireless Magazine Aug 1935, Page Ad ii.tbn_gb_tmc_wireless_magazine_aug_1935_page_ad_ii.jpg


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